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Payroll accounting


Our payroll accounting department brings many years of experience to the table and is always up-to-date on tax and social security law in Germany. No other sphere of activity is as regularly impacted by legislative changes. We provide you with competent, comprehensive advice on all matters relating to payroll accounting, personnel cost optimization and digitalization. You can rely on us to keep track of any legislative changes impacting your situation, allowing you to focus on running your business. Our goal is to work with you to achieve the best possible outcome which allows you to save time and resources and optimize your processes.

Our services include:

  • Managing company and employee data records using software tools like Fastdocs
  • Preparing payroll accounts also for employees working abroad
  • Providing payroll evaluation data in digital form
  • Creating personalized reports based on your requirements
  • Preparing payment orders for bank transactions
  • Issuing certificates, preparing applications and statistics for social security agencies, government agencies and health insurers
  • Handling correspondence with health insurers, local tax offices and employer’s liability insurance associations
  • Year-end accounting work (preparing employer’s liability insurance reports, annual returns to the Artists‘ Social Fund [Künstlersozialkasse], disability payments and calculating the provisions for unused leave)
  • Support and guidance in the event of external wage tax and social security audits
  • Advising on net wage optimization
  • Advising on the digitalization of HR departments by using a variety of HR software solutions (e.g. DATEV digital personnel files, Personio, HRworks)
  • Archiving records in accordance with statutory requirements
Personio -

Digitalization of personnel files – Personio Bronze Partner

All personnel records will have to be kept in digital form from 2027 onwards – this will be a major step towards digitalization, bringing many opportunities but also presenting a number of challenges.

Being a Personio Bronze Partner, a major provider of all-in-one HR solutions, we are able to offer you support in implementing and using Personio.

Personio allows you not only to digitialize your personnel files but also to automize and optimize many of your HR processes.

You would like to save time and resources and improve your processes in the best possible way? Contact us, we will be delighted to assist you!


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